Thursday, February 22, 2018

Crystal Canyon

It was freezing cold in Alaska. Reed the strong one, Jaedyn the bag carrer, and Wairangi the fearless one were hiking the rocky, teitei maunga. Until it started to hail Reed, Jaedyn, and Wairangi Climbed up high until they came to a gigantic, dark, spooky, cave.They all decided to camp there the night Reed spectated around to see if there was anything dangerous. Reed saw the shiny, flashing light around the corner and the flashing light was crystals, rubies, and diamonds. Reed hurdled to Jaedyn, and Wairangi to tell them that Reed discovered crystals,rubys rubis  rubies and diamonds. They all went around to search it and Jaedyn, and Wairangi said, “woah this is awesome we can be rich grabbing this.” But Jaedyn went to go sit on this bunch of snow to see if the crystal was real but Jaedyn was sitting on a huge, white, hairy yeti. The yeti woke up and chased Reed, Jaedyn, and Wairangi to there boat and sailed away very, very, very fast.  They were lucky they made it out with crystals, rubies, and diamonds.

Ko wai au