Thursday, September 1, 2016

Soccer Skills

In Room 19, a few weeks ago, we have been doing soccer skills with AJ.

We had to listen to AJ to know what to do. When AJ told us to pick a buddy each week I usually picked Vashi or Trace.
My favourite skill is heading because AJ said, “Stop. I want to show you Vashi and Wairangi’s headers.” My worst skill was weaving and dribbling through the cones because I missed lots of cones.

When we played soccer games, it was usually boys vs girls. Each week the boys would always win. I don’t really like four goal soccer because you get the teams mixed up.
When we go out for PE, AJ sometimes says, “I want you to go for a run around the whole school field.”

Each week he sometimes splits us into teams to do races or relays. Some people groan about it because they don’t share the ball that much.

I need to get better at weaving and dribbling through the cones because sometimes I miss some cones… like lots of them.

I learnt the skill of weaving and dribbling through the cones and also I learnt to use two feet when you're dribbling through the cones.

I like playing soccer with AJ because it is so fun.  By Wairangi


Skills…  😓 😩😁

is quite good
Working cooperatively with a partner
I was working well with my partner
Kicking accurately to a target or person
I was a little bit fine with the kicking
Following Instructions
I was listening well as
Heading the ball
I’m good as at heading
Working well as a team
I was working medium
Weaving in and out of cones
I was very bad at weaving through the cones
Playing a game
The game was very, very, very fun


  1. good work wairangi lots of effort

  2. Amazing writing about soccer Wairangi! You were such a brilliant team player too, well done!

  3. Nice job Wairangi it is a really good post!!
